Yemeni official: It is not possible to talk about peace while continuing the siege.
The Yemeni Deputy Foreign Minister said that the continuation of the siege of Yemen will remain an indicator of war, and despite that, any talk of peace is invalid.
Reuters reported yesterday (Tuesday) quoting some Arab officials in the Gulf Cooperation Council that the council is considering inviting parties involved in Yemen to a meeting in Riyadh.
Yemeni Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein al-Azzi responded by saying that the continuation of the siege of Yemen would remain an indicator of war, despite which any talk of peace would be invalid.
He further added that Sanaa was ready to agree to defend itself as soon as the aggression coalition stopped its attacks, and stressed the need to continue defending the rights of the Yemeni people.
Al-Azzi continued that the United States has drawn up tasks and plans for the member states of the Saudi coalition and the United Nations so that they do not get out of a continuous war. Washington is preventing coalition members from entering into genuine peace talks to stop the war, so that their sole mission is to wage war and command it with a temporary guarantee of non-response.
He stated that the United States has snatched all the features of a true peace mediator from the United Nations so that its mission is to waste time on media activities, or, for example, to follow the news and compile it in monthly and periodic reports.
Al-Azzi stressed that the United States, based on its specific mission, can only conduct “surrender talks” and record Sanaa’s reaction, hence the US-British mission to turn Sanaa’s refusal to surrender into an obstacle to the peace process with a shameful amount of lies. .
“Is it reasonable to invite mercenaries from Saudi Arabia and the UAE as representatives of Yemen and the Sanaa delegation, while the Cooperation Council and Abu Dhabi and Riyadh,” said Hisham Sharaf, the foreign minister of the Yemeni National Salvation Government, yesterday in response to Reuters They are the hosts of this meeting, are they the main cause of the war and the siege of Yemen?
He stressed that Saudi Arabia and the UAE must take humanitarian action before any political settlement, including “reopening the airport, easing the siege and importing oil and gas products, and stopping the attacks.”