Why is the Israeli regime worried about its future?
Sharhbil al-Gharib, a writer and political analyst on Israeli extremism in Al-Mayadin, wrote that this year’s flag march was scheduled to take place in Jerusalem to cover up the weakness of Naftali Bennett’s cabinet, which no longer has a majority in the Israeli Knesset and is on the verge of collapse. Proving that it has a strong regime and can maintain the security and rights of extremist Jews, it allowed the flag march through Al-Aqsa Mosque, but found itself in dire straits to make Jerusalem look like a united military barracks in the Israeli capital. , Show.
The flag march was registered by Israeli extremist groups before the Naftali Bennett regime, forcing the regime to organize the march, and these events show that Israel has been captured by extremism.
The leaders of the occupying Israeli regime in their rhetoric have always been extremists towards the Palestinians in order to satisfy the Harid forces that control the Knesset and to attract the Zionist extremist forces.
Why is the Israeli regime worried about its future?
Israeli extremist groups, which are mainly rooted in racist terrorist organizations, are eroding the structure of this regime.
According to Tasnim International Group, Sharhbil Al-Gharib, a writer and political analyst on Israeli extremism in Al-Mayadin, wrote that this year’s flag rally was scheduled to take place in Jerusalem to weaken the cabinet of Naftali Bennett, who no longer has a majority in the Israeli Knesset and is on the verge of collapse. He allowed the flag march to pass through Al-Aqsa Mosque to prove that it has a strong regime and can maintain the security and rights of extremist Jews, but put itself in a difficult situation to make Jerusalem look like a barracks. Show a united army, which is the capital of Israel.
The flag march was registered by Israeli extremist groups before the Naftali Bennett regime, forcing the regime to organize the march, and these events show that Israel has been captured by extremism.
The leaders of the occupying Israeli regime in their rhetoric have always been extremists towards the Palestinians in order to satisfy the Harid forces that control the Knesset and to attract the Zionist extremist forces.
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The calls of the Israeli extremist groups did not end with the flag march, but before that there were repeated calls, the last of which was the call of the Israeli extremist organization Lahava to destroy the Dome of the Rock.
Israeli polls suggest an increase in the power of so-called Talmudic Zionism in Israel. Historically, Israeli extremist groups have been largely rooted in racist terrorist organizations on international terrorist lists, and the United States, as it recently announced, is working to remove one of these organizations, Kahana, from the terror list. .
Extremism in Israel has gradually begun to increase and infiltrate the Israeli fabric in recent years, and has continued to the point where it has become a decision-maker. They have formed a coalition of three extremist Zionist groups, comprising more than 15 percent of Israel.
Extremism is first and foremost seen in Zionist mythology, and if we go back to the literature of Zionism in the late nineteenth century, we find that it speaks of the uniqueness of the Jewish people and its distinction among the peoples of the world.