Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with a special correspondent of the Kremlin he had been vaccinated. The full interview is scheduled to air tomorrow (Sunday) on a television program.
Russia-1 TV channel on Saturday broadcast a small part of Putin’s interview with the Kremlin-based correspondent Pavel Zarobin, which is scheduled to be broadcast in full tomorrow (Sunday) on the Moscow program. The Kremlin. Putin will be broadcast on this television network.
Zarobin asked Putin that people want to know what vaccine they got and that Putin’s answer to that question will be broadcast in full interview tomorrow.
The Russian president explained how he felt in the first hours after the vaccination and said that he even put the thermometer in his hand so that he would not be unaware of the rise in body temperature.
“I put the thermometer on the bedside table before going to bed to prepare for any reaction after the CORNA vaccine was injected,” he said.
Russian media said that no one except Putin’s doctor had known the details so far, but the Russian president revealed the secret in an exclusive interview with Zarobin.
Only the president’s personal physician knows the details of his vaccination. Vladimir Putin was vaccinated against the Coronavirus on Tuesday, March 23rd.
The Russian president said that once vaccinated, he could expand the geography of his business trips.
“Putin is vaccinated against the Coronavirus and he feels good,” said Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for the Russian president.
“After the vaccination, President Vladimir Putin is in good health,” Peskov said. “After the vaccination, Putin will have a full working day tomorrow, Wednesday, March 24.”
It was previously announced that the president would be vaccinated with one of the three Russian vaccines.
The Kremlin has indicated that Vladimir Putin’s vaccination will not be a public event.
The Sputnik V vaccine was developed in May 2020 by the Gamalia National Center for Virological Scientific Research in Russia. This vaccine is made using human adenovirus and is one of the cheapest vaccines in the world. Each dose costs $ 10. Until the end of last year, the vaccine was approved for general vaccination in Russia. Vaccination of Russian citizens began in December 2020, which is completely free for Russian citizens.
The Sputnik V vaccine, developed by the Gamalia Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, is the first vaccine registered in the world. The vaccine is now widely used in Russia and dozens of other countries.
According to the Russian Independent Investment Foundation, the Sputnik V vaccine has been registered in 16 countries. Citizens of Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Palestine, the United Arab Emirates, Paraguay, Hungary, Armenia, Algeria, Bosnia, and the Republic of Serbia, Venezuela, and Iran are expected to be vaccinated with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine over the next few days.
More than 50 countries have applied for 1.2 billion doses of Sputnik V vaccine to Russian Direct Investment Fund partners in India, Brazil, China, and South Korea, and other countries are producing the vaccine for the global market.
So far, more than 400,000 doses of his Sputnik vaccine have been sent to Iran, and according to the first contract, two million doses of Sputnik vaccine are to be delivered to Iran.
The second Russian vaccine is called “Epivacokrona” and is the construction of a vector research center, the widespread use of which is planned in the near future. The safety and efficacy of this vaccine are estimated with a 100% probability.