Vicious display of anti-Iran agenda in UN Human Rights session.
While many western countries tried to accuse Iran of violating human rights in today’s meeting of the UN Human Rights Council, other countries criticized the double standards of this council.
The United Nations Human Rights Council held a meeting today (Thursday) with the aim of condemning Iran’s human rights situation in support of internal disturbances, which despite the fact that many Western countries criticized Iran’s human rights policies in double standards, but some countries such as Venezuela , Zimbabwe, China and Syria were among the countries that accused this council of promoting “double standards”.
Venezuela: The West seeks to destabilize Iran
According to Euronews, the representative of Venezuela criticized the double standards in the UN Human Rights Council and emphasized that Western countries seek to destabilize Iran.
According to this report, the representative of Venezuela stated in this meeting: “The holding of this meeting has no meaning and meaning, and powerful countries of the world seek to destabilize Iran.” He continued: “In recent events, we witnessed a media campaign and social networks against Iran.”
The representative of Venezuela considered the action of the Western countries in holding a special meeting of the Human Rights Council regarding Iran as a continuation of the political activities of these countries in abusing the Human Rights Council for the political purposes of these countries.
The Venezuelan ambassador added: Iranian people have been under the sanctions of Western countries for many years and their fundamental rights are being violated. These countries should stop violating the rights of the Iranian people and refrain from continuing their policies against the Iranian people.
Syria: We condemn the imposition of sanctions against Iran and support for disturbances
On the other hand, the representative of Syria criticized the “politicization” of the issue of human rights in Iran at the special meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council, and he, like the representative of Venezuela, criticized the double standards of the United Nations Human Rights Council in dealing with cases of human rights violations in countries.