US Senator quoted by Trump: Putin knows that Biden is weak.
A US senator said the Russian president has realized that the US president is weak and is not afraid of the US to pursue geopolitical leanings.
US Senator Lindsey Graham on Saturday sharply criticized the new White House resident after meeting with former US President Donald Trump.
In an interview with Fox News, Graham said he and Trump both confirmed that US President Joe Biden as commander-in-chief was a disaster and that Russian President Vladimir Putin was not worried about his geopolitical orientation. Is facing a serious US response.
“His press conference was a disaster in many ways,” the Republican senator said, referring to Biden’s recent press conference, which drew a lot of reactions. “He has been on the world stage for forty years and was in charge of the Ukraine case under [Barack] Obama.”
“Everyone in Ukraine knows that when Joe Biden was trying to rid the country of corruption, his own son was on the board of Borisma, the most corrupt gas company in the world,” Graham said.
The US lawmaker claimed: “Putin knows that in the Biden era he can invade Ukraine and not face punishment. “He realized that under Trump he could not invade Ukraine and go unanswered.”
“Trump told me today that Putin knows Biden is weak, but he does not know that in 2024 Biden will no longer be around,” he said. “So President Trump said today that if the Russians invade Ukraine, they are, in fact, eliminating the possibility of having a normal relationship with the future president [of the United States], which I think [was very wise].”
“This is my message to Biden: You claim that Republicans do not want to help you,” Graham said. This is not true. You have to do something that we can help you with. “Why do not we impose sanctions on the deployment of Russian forces on the Ukrainian border instead of [Russia]?”