There are signs of victory in the battle with Israel.
In an article written by Lebanese analyst Essam Noman, Al Quds Al Arabi newspaper wrote: I don’t remember the commanders of the resistance ever speaking so firmly and firmly about Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran about their positions and thoughts regarding the future of conflicts with the Zionist regime as on the International Quds Day. have said
In the continuation of this report, it is stated: These frank and transparent speeches show that the Palestinian issue has entered a different stage, that only Europeans and Americans do not play the role of mere decision-makers for events and fortunes. It is true that the time of victory has not yet come, but its signs have been seen in the field of conflicts with the Zionists, and for this reason, the following possibilities can be examined.
It is written in this report: The presence and influence of America in the West Asian region is decreasing and declining. From the mountains of Afghanistan in the east to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in the west; This issue indicates the fall of America from the unipolar position of the world because a regional country named Iran is gaining strength against America and plays an effective role along with its considerable capabilities and active presence along the fields of the West Asian region.
The next point is that the sovereignty and existence of Israel, which is considered the largest military base of the United States and the regional successor of this country in West Asia, is being split and disintegrated under the burden of fundamental internal contradictions on the one hand and the increasing popular resistance from the owners of this usurped land. on the other hand, is Add another event to these 2 mentioned phenomena; The Arab nation waking up from its sleep and paying attention to the Palestinian issue and the resistance movements against the Zionist regime.
Some resistance movements, especially Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, have succeeded in building short-range missiles and upgrading their long-range missiles and improving their performance. This issue can be fully investigated in Hezbollah’s confrontation with the Zionist regime and operations against this regime since 2006. Hezbollah was able to push aside the army of the Zionist regime and create a balance of deterrence and change the rules of conflict with this regime.
This report states: China’s success in reducing the gap of economic and trade competition with the United States and Russia’s success in stopping the scope of the NATO agreement in Eastern Europe, especially in Ukraine, have directly affected international relations, especially in our region. Achieving an agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia and creating an opening in the relations between the countries of the Persian Gulf and Syria and the soon return of Damascus to the Arab League and the end of the war in Yemen are the results of these developments.