Tel Aviv will soon be surprised “The Return of the Brave Man”
The holding of the meeting of heads of Arab countries with the presence of the president of Syria and also the president of Ukraine was noticed by the newspapers of the Arab world. The noteworthy point in this meeting is the failure to refer to the resistance groups as terrorist groups and to introduce Iran as a danger to the region.
Abdolbari Atwan, a prominent analyst of the Arab world, wrote in his editorial in Raei Alyoum newspaper: The independent resistance groups in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are currently preparing to react to the holding of the flag march by the Zionists. We believe that the happiness of the leaders of the Zionist regime will not last long.
The battle has different stages, and just as the resistance operation forced Netanyahu to stop the Zionist settlers’ attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque during the holy month of Ramadan, the day will come when the Zionists will be forced to stop holding such marches. The Palestinian nation’s initiative in fighting the Zionist enemy is limitless. In the coming days, we will witness big surprises for the Zionist enemy.