Support of the Saudi regime to incite campaigns against Muslim communities in Europe.
A study published by the international website Eurasia Review found that the Saudi regime has supported provocative campaigns related to Islamophobia against Muslim communities in Europe.
Investigations have shown that Saudi Arabia and the UAE are exploiting anti-Islamic sentiments to counter political Islam, which is considered the biggest challenge to the legitimacy of oppressive rulers.
Former Saudi intelligence chief Prince Al-Faisal al-Saud must have mixed up his tensions, stressing in a recent memo that no one should underestimate the political significance of Muslims’ commitment to Minimize helping other Muslims.
The memoirs of Prince Turki focus on Afghanistan, which caused great concern during his tenure as head of the Royal Foreign Intelligence Service from 1977 to August 2001, a month before the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington.
“No reader of this book should underestimate the moral and emotional commitment of Muslims to help other Muslims. “This is a very powerful element of modern politics.”
There is no doubt that Prince Turki, a longtime supporter of reform in the monarchy, was right to write about the widespread Saudi and Islamic support for Pakistan and the Afghan Mujahideen in the 1980s in their jihad against the invading Soviet forces. Central Asian country
This jihad produced the equivalent of international communist brigades in the Spanish Civil War in the Islamic world, but had far-reaching consequences.
It seems hard to claim that Muslims have remained committed to helping their needy brothers after four decades, because Muslims are enduring one of the worst, if not the worst, periods of Islamophobia since World War II. . Anti-Muslim sentiments range from the generalization of bigotry and bigotry to what critics call cultural genocide.
Many in the Muslim world, however, have refrained from criticizing the People’s Republic of China’s brutal crackdown on Turkish Muslims in the northwestern Xinjiang province, whether for fear of China’s coercive economic and diplomatic tactics or for the sake of a common goal. .
Some countries, including Saudi Arabia, have gone so far as to justify what is a direct attack on Islamic and Uighur religious and ethnic identities.
To be fair, Saudi Arabia called on the Palestinian cause before pursuing diplomatic relations with Israel over the UAE and three other Arab states.
The Palestinians are questioning whether the kingdom will retain its position after King Salman ousts or resigns, and his son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is likely to succeed him.