Rocket attack on US military base in Deir ez-Zor, Syria.
Local sources reported the sound of four explosions at an illegal US base at the Al-Omar oil field in the eastern province of Deir ez-Zor.
News sources reported rocket attacks on an illegal US terrorist base in eastern Syria.
Sputnik news agency reported that the US base in the “Omar” oil field in the east of Deir ez-Zor province was targeted by rocket attacks, the source of which is unknown.
Local sources around the base told Sputnik that they had heard four consecutive explosions and observed smoke rising from Omar Square.
According to these sources, after these explosions, American helicopters flew quickly in the airspace of this oil field.
Prior to the attacks, several gunmen attacked a US-owned military base in the town of Ziban, near Al-Omar Square.
Local sources reported that US-affiliated Kurdish militants fired a helicopter this morning, killing three civilians and detaining seven others.
The U.S. military base in southeastern Al-Tanf was also targeted in late October, according to Bill Arben, a spokesman for the Sentcom terrorist organization. But no American was killed or injured.