Registering the lowest level of support for Trump against the party.
In a new NBC News poll, only 33 percent of Republicans said they would prefer to support Trump over the Republican Party.
The results of a new poll by “NBC News” recorded the lowest level of loyalty to Donald Trump in front of the Republican Party.
Thirty-three percent of registered Republicans said they were loyal to Trump rather than the Republican Party, the lowest number since the network began asking the question. The lowest rate with 34% was recorded in May and the highest rate was recorded in October 2020 with 54%.
Fifty-eight percent of those polled in this month’s (September) poll preferred to support the Republican Party over Trump, while three percent said they supported both Trump and the party, and four percent said neither. They do not support one.
According to the “Hail” news website, these results were published amid concerns that Trump’s presence in the 2022 midterm elections would be harmful, despite the fact that he is not a candidate, and Republicans are worried that the Democrats will gain the opportunity to retain control of the Senate.
The survey found that a total of 34 percent of American voters said they had a positive view of Trump, while 54 percent said they had a negative view. 12 percent said that they have a neutral view of the former president. This drop in popularity was a new record for Trump. Last month, 36% of the participants said that they have a positive view of him.
In contrast, 40 percent of voters have a positive view of Joe Biden, while 47 percent have a negative view of him and 11 percent are neutral, according to the new poll.
Earlier, the results of a new survey showed that in the hypothetical presidential election race, the current resident of the White House is behind his predecessor by six percent. According to a poll by Yahoo News and YouGov, which was published on September 7, 48 percent of registered voters said they would vote for Biden if the 2024 presidential election were held today, while 42 percent said they would vote for him. They vote for Trump.