One hundred retired US generals demanded the resignation of the Secretary of Defense and Commander of the US Armed Forces.
About 100 US generals have signed a letter calling on the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to resign over the scandal in Afghanistan.
According to the International News Group, about 100 retired US generals wrote letters calling for the resignation of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Millie for their disastrous performance during the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.
“The consequences of this catastrophe are enormous and will affect American security for decades,” the retired US generals wrote in their scathing letter about the US disgraceful defeat in Afghanistan.
“The loss of billions of dollars in advanced military equipment and resources and their fall into the hands of our enemies is catastrophic,” the letter continued. The damage done to the credit of the contracting states is indescribable. We are now seen as an unreliable partner in international agreements or operations and will be for many years to come. “Trust in the United States has been irreparably damaged.”
The authors added: “In addition, our competitors are now bolder to take action against the United States because of our poor performance in Afghanistan. “China benefits the most [from this situation], followed by Russia, Pakistan, Iran, North Korea and others.”
The retired generals who signed the letter, including General John Poindekster, who served as Ronald Reagan’s national security adviser for about a year, concluded: “For some reason. That said, we call on Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Millie to resign. A fundamental principle in the armed forces is to hold those responsible accountable for what they have done and what they have not done. “Everyone at all levels must be held accountable for this unavoidable tragedy.”