Israeli journalist reveals secrets of Netanyahu’s life. He receives a stipend from his wife and is allowed to leave the house conditionally.
There are many questions about the influence of Sarah Netanyahu, the wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on how the government is run and administered.
Major question marks have arisen over the influence of Sara Netanyahu, the wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on the way he administers the government and makes decisions. Quantities estimated at hundreds of thousands of shekels in the form of champagne bottles and types of fine cigars, as well as their attempt to hide the real reason for preventing Netanyahu’s plane from entering Jordanian airspace.
In this context, Israeli media highlighted the light that Sara Netanyahu plays behind the scenes and the extent of the influence she enjoys in decision-making. The former official in the Israeli military air industries, David Artzi, revealed to the Hebrew newspaper Ha’aretz that he had seen a secret agreement between Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara. According to the latter, influence, and enormous power in the field of appointments, especially security appointments.
The newspaper quoted Artzi as saying that a group of former Israeli army officers was behind the publication of the video clip in which he narrated his testimony about the secret agreement, while at the same time that he pledged not to disclose the person or party that finances the publication of the video, according to the Palestinian Sama news agency in a report.
Her name appeared in the latest case, known as the “Case of 1000”,Shaya Segal, a former close adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told investigators that the premier and his wife Sara Netanyahu are “people who love gifts, a lot,” in footage released by Channel 13 Thursday.
Netanyahu has been charged with a long-term and wide-ranging illicit relationship with Israeli movie mogul Arnon Milchan, during which, at the Netanyahus’ request, Milchan provided them “a supply line” of “boxes of cigars” and “crates of champagne.”
In this regard, the Israeli media highlight the role of Sarah Netanyahu, who plays behind the scenes and the extent of her influence in decision-making.
David Artzi, a former Israeli military aviation industry official, told the Hebrew newspaper Haaretz that he had seen a secret deal between Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sarah.
According to Artzi, Netanyahu’s wife wields considerable influence over appointments, especially security appointments.
The agreement also stipulates that Sarah Netanyahu must manage the family finances and that Netanyahu must not have a credit card and that she must ask her husband for cash if she needs it. The agreement also requires Netanyahu to take Sarah with him if he leaves home at night.