Islamophobia riot in the Republican Party of America.
Following the anti-Islamic remarks of Republican lawmakers, a moderate member of the party warned of unrest in the party.
Following remarks by two Republican lawmakers on Islamophobia, the party leader in the House of Representatives refused to condemn them.
“I spoke with [Stanny] Hoyer [majority] leader today to facilitate a meeting,” Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy wrote in a statement to CNN on Saturday without apologizing for his party, according to the Guardian. “So that Congress can return to dialogue and talk about the challenges that the American people are facing.”
A moderate Republican member of the US House of Representatives told Cyanide that McCarthy is trying to keep the middle ground, but if he fails to contain the party’s marginalized members, the two wings of the party will be on a “collision course.”
Margarine Green Taylor, a hardline Republican lawmaker, said Thursday that McCarthy would have no chance of winning a majority in the House after next year’s Republican primary. However, he said on Friday that he had a good phone call with McCarthy and liked “what he had planned”.
On the other hand, Adam Kinzinger, another Republican against Trump, accused McCarthy of “begging” Taylor to maintain “power.”
It was in the midst of these controversies that Taylor once again intensified the fire of discord with a tweet with Islamophobic content.
“Democrats want to censor, silence and imprison us,” the pro-Trump lawmaker wrote in a Twitter message.
“Never apologize to anyone who identifies with Islamic terrorists, the communists or those who fund the killings with our tax money,” he wrote.
Taylor tweeted after Republican House of Representatives MP Lauren Bubert apologized to Muslims on Friday for his recent remarks.