Demonstrations and chanting slogans against the new head of the Zionist regime Isaac Herzog in Tel Aviv.
A number of opponents of Israeli President Isaac Herzog gathered in front of his residence in Tel Aviv to protest his actions and chanted slogans.
Zionist media reported on Saturday night, Tehran time, that a demonstration would be held in front of the house of the new Zionist regime in Tel Aviv.
According to the website Aroutes Shoua, supporters of a leftist group opposed to the former prime minister chanted slogans against the house of Israeli President Ishaq Herzog. The reason for these demonstrations is the election of “Naur Ihaya”, the spokesman of the former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as the spokesman of the Zionist regime.
The so-called “Minister of Crime” said in a statement that Herzog had inadvertently chosen this person, who was one of Netanyahu’s extremist supporters, as his spokesman. “We will not rest until this appointment is canceled.”
Isaac Herzog, the former chairman of the Labor Party in the Zionist regime, was elected as the new chairman of the Knesset by a vote of the members of parliament. At today’s meeting, the members of the Knesset approved by 87 votes in favor of the election of Herzog as the new head of the fake Israeli regime. 26 deputies voted for his opponent.
He is currently the head of the non-governmental organization “Jews for Israel”, the son of “Haim Herzog”, the former head of the Zionist regime. From 1983 to 1993, Haim Herzog headed the regime for two terms.
Isaac Herzog, 61, replaces 81-year-old Rouven Rivlin, who will step down on July 9 after seven years in office.
In the by-elections, she easily competed with Miriam Pertz, a female teacher with no political background, to run for the presidency. Herzog will be the 11th president of the fake Israeli regime.