Controversial post of the Egyptian religious institution against Wahhabism.
According to Arabi 21, the body responsible for issuing fatwas in Egypt criticized Wahhabi thoughts by publishing a post on its official page on Facebook and Twitter.
In this post, which was copied from the “Terrorism Under the Magnifying Glass” page, it is stated: Wahhabiyyah is a sect that has violated the fundamentals of Sunnis in some issues. Among these issues, it is possible to point out the incorrect reading of prayers and blessings to the prophets and the righteous.
In this post, it is emphasized that Wahhabism is called polytheism by those who believe the above-mentioned beliefs to be true. For this reason, some people call them Khawarij because they excommunicate the majority of the Islamic Ummah.
Controversial post of the Egyptian religious institution against Wahhabism
After the publication of this post, Saudi activists criticized it widely in cyberspace, which eventually led to its removal on Facebook and Twitter.
With the expansion of the pressures, the under-the-magnifying glass terrorism page, which is affiliated with Egypt’s Dar Al-Ifta, claimed that the said page had been hacked; This is while cyberspace activists doubt the truth of this claim.
They believe that this religious institution in Egypt has entered into a media conflict with Saudi Arabia and its signs have been clear for months.