Confession of the Hebrew media to register a new victory for Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah.
The Hebrew media consider the draft presented by the American mediator to draw the maritime borders with Lebanon as a new victory for the Secretary General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah.
The media of the Zionist regime, at the same time as the announcement of “Nabieh Berri”, the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, based on the fact that the draft agreement on the demarcation of the maritime borders with Tel Aviv is positive, but before the final answer, it must be carefully examined, during numerous reports of the success of “Seyd Hassan Nasrallah”, the Secretary General of Hezbollah. Lebanon, this time in the battle of awareness in the negotiation of drawing maritime borders with this regime.
Hebrew media’s reaction to Nasrallah’s latest speech
Jackie Hoji, a writer and analyst of Middle East affairs in the Zionist newspaper Ma’ariv, said that Seyed Nasrallah “talked about the negotiations with Israel today (Saturday) and did not threaten even one word, but on the contrary, he expressed hope that the negotiations will be successful so that everyone will see the plan.” and the unity of Lebanon.
He added: “Is he reformed and moderate?” Never. He simply completed his mission successfully. At the height of the negotiations, Nasrallah put pressure on all parties with intimidation and threats… Everything was planned and Nasrallah’s goal was to get his foot in the door and push things towards an emerging agreement from the outside.
Hoji pointed out that Seyed Hassan Nasrallah is not a participant in the negotiations that are conducted with the mediation of the United States, but is even excluded from it; He added: “Now he can say: thanks to my (Seyd Nasrallah) threats, Israel has softened, without Hezbollah, Lebanon’s rights in the sea would have been taken away.”
The Zionist analyst further clarified: “This morning, the American ambassador presented the draft agreement with Israel to the Lebanese president, Michel Aoun, and Lebanon is expected to respond immediately within the next few days. Therefore, now is not the time for threats, but it is the right time to celebrate the successful end of an operation and an awareness battle, an operation in which he [Sayed Hassan Nasrallah] played the role of a responsible person and carried it out.”