Concerns about “Trump Brazil” not complying with the election results.
Despite the confirmation of the victory of Lula da Silva in the presidential elections of Brazil, the current president of this country, Jair Bolsonaro, has not yet reacted to his defeat.
The controversial second-round presidential election in Brazil continues to make headlines, and concerns about the possibility of “Brazil’s Trump” not complying with his defeat in the elections have intensified.
In its latest report about the sensitive and controversial second round of the Brazilian presidential election, CNN has announced the intensification of concerns about the possibility of not accepting the election results.
In its latest report about the sensitive and controversial second round of the Brazilian presidential election, CNN has announced the intensification of concerns about the possibility of not accepting the election results.
According to the officials of Brazil’s presidential election, da Silva won 50.9% of the votes and Bolsonaro won 49.1% and could not win the presidency for the second time.
According to the report of this American media, despite the high participation of Lula da Silva’s supporters in the second round of the Brazilian presidential election, his victory over the “Brazilian Trump” was achieved by a small margin.
CNN continued its report on the current situation in Brazil and the behavior of da Silva and Bolsonaro’s supporters and wrote: “Lula’s supporters gathered in Avenida Paulisa Square in Sao Paulo after the closing of the polls and the end of the election, and even before the announcement of the election results, the mood of holding They had the celebration.”
According to this network, “many (of Lula da Silva’s supporters) told CNN with tears in their eyes that they had hope for their country; A country struggling with inflation, low economic growth and growing poverty.