Bashar Assad: Enemy media show the victory of nations upside down.
According to SANA, Syrian President Bashar Assad emphasized during the meeting with the members of the secretariat of the Congress of Arab Parties: Enemy media have been trying to portray the defeat and retreat of nations in the face of war and siege to the Arab societies since last years. While there are real patterns regarding the victory of these nations in different fields.
Assad continued: A large part of the Syrian nation has a fighting spirit and believes in the correctness of their positions. This is one of the most important factors of our resistance. Without this spirit, no country can resist.
He said: “The effort to strengthen the common identity is very important for Arab societies, and without it, no progress will be achieved at the economic or cultural levels.”
In this meeting, the members of the House of Congress stressed the necessity of ending the occupation of Syrian territory and canceling the sanctions imposed on this country.
They also stated that Syria, with its resistance, was able to neutralize all the plans of terrorism during the past years.