Bahraini newspaper: crocodile tears are shed; America and England are responsible for the sufferings of Iraq.
A Bahraini newspaper described the Western press’s analysis of Iraq as their “crocodile tears” for the troubled situation in Iraq and emphasized, “America and England are the first responsible for Iraq’s suffering.”
Bahrain’s “Akhbar al-Khalij” newspaper wrote in a note titled “Iraq and the tears of Western contact” that the cause of Iraq’s current woes are the Western countries.
Al-Sayed Zahra, the author of the note, wrote, “In recent days, I followed a number of reports and analyzes in the Western press regarding the developments in Iraq… All the analyzes say the same thing; Oh regretting and shedding tears for the current situation of Iraq and Iraqis; Then weaving philosophy in interpreting the causes of the crisis and destruction that Iraq has reached today.
According to this Arab political analyst, “The question that all Western analyzes ignore is who is responsible for the current situation in Iraq?” Who is the main criminal? For example, I refer to two publications. At the end of an analysis, the Economist wrote this phrase, “In this battle, those who once represented Iraq and covered Iraqi politics are absent. … The United States is meeting with the children in this country, which costs hundreds of billions of dollars and 4,400 He left behind casualties, he is tired. He left behind democratic institutions such as the parliament and the federal court and the prime minister, but these have become the tools of the Shiite militias”… or the American newspaper New York Times wrote in an analysis of the situation in Iraq, “Iraqis are the foundations of their country They see that it is breaking. This rich country that America wanted to make a free and democratic country by invading and occupying it. When it overthrew the dictator Saddam”. This newspaper continued to write that Iraq is a bankrupt country both internally and externally, both politically and security-wise.
Al-Sayed Zahra wrote, many Western newspapers and magazines analyze Iraq in this way, but those who are shedding crocodile tears for the current situation in Iraq should be ashamed of themselves. The main question is who is responsible for this chaotic situation in Iraq? “Why doesn’t the Economist ask who is responsible for these crimes?… Why doesn’t the New York Times ask, if Iraq is a bankrupt country today, who is responsible?” Who drowned Iraq in corruption, chaos and religious differences?”.
The Bahraini newspaper continued: “They don’t ask, because they themselves are responsible [for the current situation in Iraq]. I mean the West, especially America and Britain. They are the main responsible for all the miseries of Iraq. They deliberately planned to invade Iraq and occupy it to make it a ruin and drown in the chaos of religious differences. It was the occupiers who built this system full of religious differences…”
This Arab analyst wrote in the end, “There is no need to talk about the crimes of the invaders against Iraq and Iraqis for a long time. If these British and American press had an iota of fairness, when they were talking about Iraq today, they would have demanded the trial of the likes of Tony Blair and George Bush [the British Prime Minister and the former American president] as war criminals and perpetrators of genocide.