Ayatollah Sistani’s response to Pope Francis’ letter’
According to the Iraqi Waa news agency, Ayatollah Sistani, in response to the recent letter of Pope Francis, emphasized the need to increase efforts to fight violence and hatred and promote a culture of peaceful coexistence among people.
Ayatollah Sistani said: I was pleased with the letter you sent to me on the occasion of the second anniversary of your historic trip to Iraq and the meeting I had with you in Najaf Ashraf. That important meeting was an incentive for many followers of Islamic and Christian religions and for others to express tolerance and proper coexistence with those who differ from them in terms of religion and belief.
He mentioned in his letter: In your letter, you mentioned some of the issues that we emphasized in that important meeting; including the importance of unity of efforts in order to promote a culture of peaceful coexistence, negation of violence and hatred, and creating values of friendship and unity between people, which is based on attention to rights and mutual respect between followers of different religions and intellectual tendencies.
Ayatollah Sistani said: I also agree with you that more efforts should be made to defend the oppressed in different parts of the world. For the tragedies that many people and ethnic and social groups suffered in many parts of the east and west of the earth, which was the result of intellectual and religious persecution and the suppression of basic freedoms and the lack of social justice, which resulted in the emergence of some extreme movements that attacked Non-like-minded people do not shy away, it plays a role.
He said in his letter: I think it is important that everyone pay more attention to the elimination of these oppressions and do everything in their power to achieve justice and peace in different societies, and this will definitely reduce the phenomena of hatred and violence. It generally plays a role. I feel it necessary to point out the essential role of faith in Almighty God and His messages and adherence to high moral values in overcoming the great challenges facing humanity in this age.
In the Pope’s response, Ayatollah Sistani also pointed to preserving the unity of the family and strengthening spiritual and spiritual dimensions and observing piety that elevates the status of human beings, and requested God’s mercy and goodness for humanity, and for the Pope He also wished for good health.