Florida: An American veteran shot a family.
The former U.S. Marine Corps shot dead five members of a family, four of whom were killed, including a baby and family’s 11-year-old daughter.
A former U.S. Marine who attacked two homes in Lake Land, Florida, shot dead four people, including a man, two women and a baby, according to the New York Times. Meanwhile, an 11-year-old girl was injured.
The veteran, who served in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, also clashed with police before being arrested.
The incident took place in two separate houses but in the same neighborhood, and the victims, including parents, infants and grandmothers, were all members of the same family.
The exact cause of the accident, which took place at around 4:30 am, is unknown, but there is no connection between the killer and the victims.
The assailant is 33-year-old Brian J. Riley. He suffered from post-accident stress syndrome, which is said to be common among American veterans. Riley was wearing a bulletproof vest and combat uniform when he was arrested.