America Is The Flag Bearer Of Corruption And Biden is A Supporter of Homosexuality.
According to al-Masira, “Abdul Malik al-Houthi”, the leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement, in his speech at a series of religious meetings, congratulating the arrival of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, emphasized: Today, humanity and human values are targeted by the Zionist lobby.
He added: The American government is trying to spread corruption and transfer it to humanity, and the Zionist lobby, along with the Western countries, are trying to corrupt the people of humanity by using all their capabilities in all fields, in order to gain control over them and The slavery of humans will be smooth.
Abdul Malik al-Houthi emphasized: America has openly and brazenly taken the flag of corruption. The president of this country, Joe Biden, promotes homosexuality and tries to spread these corrupt ideas.
He added: The American president gives political and legal support to homosexuality and is trying to impose it on other countries of the world.
Al-Houthi clarified: spreading corruption and destroying morals and human values is the worst form of targeting people in order to empty them of the nature of faith and distance them from religious teachings and teachings that benefit people and preserve humanity.
He congratulated the arrival of the month of Dhul-Hijjah and stated that this month should be used for the cultivation of souls and the growth of human beings.