After Qatar and Kuwait; Saudi Arabia also called on its citizens to leave Ethiopia.
The Saudi embassy in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, has issued a statement urging its citizens to leave Ethiopia as soon as possible due to security concerns.
The Saudi embassy in Addis Ababa has called on its citizens to leave the country following the declaration of a state of emergency in Ethiopia due to escalating clashes between the Saudi army and the Tiger People’s Front.
A statement from the Saudi Embassy stressed the need for the citizens of Ethiopia to leave Ethiopia as soon as possible.
The Saudi embassy in Ethiopia also called on other Ethiopian nationals to exercise caution, citing the invitation to leave the country due to the security situation.
November 4, 2020 Ethiopian government forces clash with the Tigris Front in response to an attack on an Iraqi army base, and tensions between the two sides are now escalating after a year.
The Tiger People’s Liberation Front controlled nearly three decades of political life in Ethiopia before Ethiopian Prime Minister Abi Ahmed Ali took office in 2018, the country’s first prime minister. Oromo is the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia with a population of 34.9%, or about 108 million people, while Tigris is the third largest ethnic group in the country with 7.3%.