A spokesman for the Yemeni Ansarullah movement Abd al-Salam told Saudi aggressors: “Stop following foreigners blindly, because they are greedy for your own land.”
According to Al-Masira, Mohammed Abd al-Salam, spokesman for the Yemeni National Salvation Government, announced the latest positions of the resistance group against the Saudi aggressors.
According to the report, he said to the Saudi aggressors: “Stop blindly following the foreigners, because they are greedy for your own land.” Come to your senses before they get an opportunity to do so”.
The spokesman for the Yemeni National Salvation Government also referred to the heavy bombardment of Ma’rib province by the Saudis, saying that they were targeting Ma’rib extensively, especially in the Sarwah area. These attacks not only did not empower Saudi mercenaries in Ma’rib, but in some cases targeted them themselves.
It is worth mentioning that the series of advances of the Yemeni army and popular committees in the fight against the Saudi aggressors on the Ma’rib front continues. The Yemeni resistance forces have made significant gains on the front in recent days; The achievements that have led Saudi Arabia to turn to international powers to save itself from the quagmire.
In one of the latest achievements, the Yemeni resistance forces succeeded in completing their control over the strategic Al-Balaq mountain range. However, the Yemenis had previously taken control of parts of these mountain ranges. Al-Balaq mountain ranges have a strategic geographical position, because they are located in front of Ma’rib Dam.
The field achievements of the Yemeni forces, especially on the Ma’rib front, have led Saudi Arabia to resort to international powers in order to save itself from the quagmire. The Saudis appealed to the UN Security Council so that perhaps this international body could do something for them in the political arena.
The UN Security Council also issued a letter condemning the military operations of the resistance forces against the aggressors in a strange move, with the aim of helping the Saudi aggressor coalition, and called for an immediate end to these operations! The UN Security Council also declared the military operations of the Yemeni resistance illegal! The UN Security Council’s biased move prompted a reaction from Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, chairman of the Yemeni Supreme Revolutionary Committee.
On the other hand, the Saudi regime’s fighters have targeted various parts of the province in recent days in order to prevent the Yemeni resistance forces from continuing to advance on the Ma’rib front.