A significant decrease in the trust of German citizens in the health system.
According to the German newspaper Die Welt, the results of the latest poll show that almost 60 percent of people surveyed have little or no confidence in the German government’s ability to guarantee quality and affordable health care. Based on this, many citizens complain about the deterioration of local health care. Experts call for political reforms.
The survey, conducted by the Forsa Institute and commissioned by the Bosch Health Campus at the Robert Bosch Foundation, shows that public trust in Germany’s health policy has declined. Nearly 60 percent of those surveyed say they have little or no confidence in politicians’ ability to ensure quality, affordable health care. This figure is more than double that of 2020.
About 40 percent of those surveyed also believe that health and medical care in their area has generally gotten worse in the past year. This feeling is even more widespread among participants with chronic diseases (46%). For this survey, the opinion research institute Forsa interviewed a total of 1,850 German citizens aged 18 and over across the country.
Mark Dominic Alscher, CEO of the Bush Health Campus, said: “The results of this survey clearly show that we urgently need to align our healthcare system with the well-being of patients so that it remains competent and efficient in the future. He emphasized: Everyone’s access to affordable and quality health services must be guaranteed in the long term. For this purpose, it is important that politicians actively involve citizens in decision-making.
The main content of this investigation and research by Forsa Institute includes people’s trust in health policy, citizens’ priorities regarding the future health system, and the evaluation of the health policy so far of the government coalition known as the beacon. Accordingly, many people wish for better health care in their environment. Medical contact points close to home (84 percent) and quick appointments (98 percent) are important or very important to those surveyed.