200 Refugee Children Disappeared in England.
British Immigration Minister Robert Genrick told the country’s lawmakers in Parliament: 200 refugee children, some of whom are under 16 years old and were staying in temporary hotels, have disappeared.
Generic, who was called to parliament by a member of the Green Party to explain about the disappearance of these children, stated that 13 of these 200 children were under 16 years old, and one of them was a woman. About 88% of the missing children came to England from Albania.
He emphasized that the government is committed to defending the rights of these children. We checked any entry and exit of children under the age of 18 from this hotel and found that social services staff were with these children during any organized activity.
Carolyn Lucas, a member of the Green Party, said in response to Generic: These children are at risk of being kidnapped and doing forced and illegal work.
At the same time, Rishi Sunak’s government is under pressure from two sides regarding the issue of immigrants: from people who believe that he has not performed well in the issue of protecting the country’s borders against immigrants, and people who say that the government If they enter the UK legally, it is ignored.
British government ministers were under pressure last year due to the dire living conditions and overcrowding in immigration detention centers and possible legal action from right-wing groups and the public sector workers’ union.
According to this report, the number of people entering England through the English Channel has doubled in the last two years, and government statistics show that Albanian asylum seekers are the largest number of people entering England through this route.