10,000 missing in Libya/More body bags needed.
According to Al Jazeera, concerns have increased about the high number of victims of floods and storms in eastern Libya, and the waves of the sea have brought more bodies to the shore, and most of the victims are related to the city of Darna.
An official at the International Union of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies said that about 10,000 people are missing after the floods in Libya.
The media adviser of the head of the Libyan parliament also said that estimates indicate that the number of flood victims in Darna city has exceeded 7,000 people.
Reuters reported that emergency teams called for more body bags due to the large number of victims.
On the other hand, Mohammad Abunjileh, the spokesperson of the International Organization for Migration, said in a statement that at least 30,000 people have been displaced in Darna.
He added: The number of flood displaced people in Al Bayda city reached 3 thousand and 410 families were displaced in Benghazi.
On the other hand, video images have been published on social networks that show many corpses in the Shiha region that need to be identified.
Ahmed Amdvard, the deputy mayor of Derne, said that so far 2,200 bodies have been buried in Derne alone.
Aerial images also show the destruction of all neighborhoods in Derne city due to floods. The flood has wiped out the neighborhoods.
Roads have disappeared and bridges have been destroyed.