American think tank director: The presence of distrust among the members and partners sitting in Washington is a sign of downfall. The US has all the hallmarks of bipolar disorder and has even distrusted its allies, and this is the first sign of the fall of a superpower.
The world breathed a sigh of relief after Joe Biden took office in the United States. Donald Trump’s presidency is finally over, and Washington will soon become the “wise actor” and “world leader.” “Trump’s horrific policies and Washington’s misbehavior with its allies are being reversed and everything is back to normal.”
These may be initial assumptions about the current state of America and the world, but will the pre-Trump world really be the same as the post-Trump world? Was the former president just an anomalous and unique element in American politics that was unprecedented and will not be repeated later? The American website Tom Dispatch has answered these questions in a report entitled “The World Welcomes Biden, But With Cautiousness.” Of course, perhaps a more appropriate title for this report is the one used by the American publication Nation in republishing the Tom Dispatch report.
The nightmare is over. The defeated monster crawled to Marlago [or Mar-e-Lago, Donald Trump’s current mansion and residence in Florida] to lick his wounds. Heroes are also working hard to make up for the damage. As the United States returns to the international stage, the world breathes a sigh of relief.
An Iranian citizen is reading the newspaper Sunday, November 9, 2016, in Tehran, the first news of which is dedicated to the US elections; Many people in the world like to believe that America will start a new chapter of politics with Joe Biden.
At least this is the narrative that Biden’s new government is defining. The United States is back,” said Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Biden’s nominee for the US mission to the United Nations shortly after the election. Multilateralism is back; Diplomacy is back.