Tel Aviv’s military intelligence warning of a major civil war.
Tel Aviv's military intelligence warning of a major civil war. According to the Palestine Information Center, the Zionist newspaper Ha'aretz ...
Tel Aviv's military intelligence warning of a major civil war. According to the Palestine Information Center, the Zionist newspaper Ha'aretz ...
Social Media activists: The Zionist regime is on the verge of civil war. The recent Saturday demonstrations in Tel Aviv ...
US generals warn of coup and civil war in the United States. Several retired American generals have warned that a ...
The Signs of American Civil War. The invasion of Congress on January 6, 2021, and the rise of violent domestic ...
US military claims: Afghanistan is likely to be embroiled in a civil war. Claiming that the situation in Afghanistan could ...
It is naive to ignore the role of the United States in this bloody incident, considering the 13 US troops ...
"Professor David Basic, a Jewish expert, and professor at Bar Ilan University in the Occupied Territories said in an interview ...
A Zionist university professor who is also an analyst believes that the ruling political system is not the right one ...
While the Zionist regime is always trying to present itself as the strongest regime in the region, its internal situation ...