Just how dangerous it can be to use a phone while charging, most of the users start using the mobile phone while charging after the battery of the smartphone runs out, but they do not know that using a phone without taking any precaution while charging can be dangerous.
If you want to use the phone while charging, you must take care of these things. When using the mobile phone while charging, close the unnecessary application, keep only the necessary apps on.
In the meantime, never make a video in the mobile, the reason is that the mobile uses more battery while making the video and there is a risk of the mobile phone exploding. Do not update the mobile while charging, because it will not Processor speed is also reduced and the phone may be damaged.
Remember to avoid talking on the phone call during this time. If you want to use mobile while charging the phone, it is important that you use only the extent of the message. Dangerous incidents have taken place which have caused huge losses to the consumers.