Malik Adnan, who rescued a Sri Lankan citizen in Sialkot incident, has been made a witness by the special prosecution team. Malik Adnan is likely to be included in the list of witnesses. The challan of the case will be submitted in January which includes important documents , videos and witnesses.
According to details, it was decided to call Malik Adnan, who had rescued a Sri Lankan citizen, as a witness in the Sialkot incident. In this regard, the special team of the prosecution has issued instructions to the investigating officer. The challan will be submitted to the prosecution in the first week of January.
Sources said that the challan will include videos, evidence and important documents. On the other hand, 33 accused in the murder case of a Sri Lankan citizen in Sialkot have been taken to ATC special court for remand. Strict security arrangements have been made by the police on this occasion. While 52 accused are already in the custody of physical remand police.
Yesterday, Punjab Law Minister Raja Basharat had said that none of the accused arrested in the Sialkot tragedy was released on bail but 62 persons were released on the basis of lack of evidence. Priyantha, the foreign manager, was brutally beaten to death by employees for blasphemy and her body was set on fire in the square.