In the report of research and analytical institute ‘Go Banking Rates’, Pakistan has been declared as the cheapest country in the world in terms of living standards. Despite severe inflation, Pakistan has been declared as the cheapest country in the world.
According to the report of research and analytical institute Go Banking Rates, Pakistan is the cheapest country in the world in terms of mortgage, Pakistan’s mortgage expenditure index is 18.58 points, Afghanistan is second with 24.51, India is third with 25.14 and Syria It ranks fourth with an index of 25.31.
The Go Banking Rates Company was also among the mortgage rating companies. According to the report, four measurement criteria were used to estimate mortgage, endurance, accommodation, transportation, rent in the standards, strength in the standards. Added purchase, consumer price, everyday items.
According to the report, the results were compared with the cost of living in New York, the most expensive city, with the Cayman Islands Index at 141.64, Bermuda at 138.22, Switzerland at 122.67 and Norway at 104.49.
Living costs are higher in New York than in all four countries, while housing costs are higher in cities such as New York and San Francisco, the report said. The report also includes a statement from the US Department of Agriculture, which states that global food supplies are expected to increase in 2021-22.
The U.S. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has warned that food prices can go up n the future due to increase in demands.