Islamabad :
Prime Minister Imran Khan said that when the people of occupied Kashmir were being ignored, why was it such a big problem in the Western world? This is far more relevant, perhaps one lakh Kashmiris have died than what is happening with the Uighurs, the occupied valley has been turned into an ‘open prison’. The Prime Minister said, “Why is this not a problem?” At the same time, he said that he considered it “hypocrisy”.
The question was asked that intelligence analysts say that Pakistan has the fastest growing nuclear weapons in the world, why is that?
In response, the Prime Minister said, “I don’t know where they got this from. Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are defensive so that we can protect ourselves. I don’t think they are growing.”
“As far as I know, this is not an offensive thing. Any country whose neighbor is seven times bigger will be upset,” he added.
He went on to say that he was “absolutely against nuclear weapons and has always been. We have fought three wars with India and there has been no war between the two countries since we got nuclear defense. There were border clashes but no fighting.
“Once the Kashmir issue is resolved, both our neighbors will start living like civilized people. We will not need to have nuclear weapons,” he added.
The Prime Minister was asked why he talks so much about Islamophobia in the West but is silent on the genocide of Uighur Muslims in China. In response, he said that all issues with China are discussed “behind closed doors”.
“China has been one of our best friends in the most difficult times. When we were really in trouble, China came to our aid. They are like, we respect them and whatever our problems are,” he added. Let’s talk about it behind closed doors.
“I see in the world what is happening in Palestine, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Afghanistan, so should I start talking about everything?” I keep an eye on what is happening on my border and in my country.
Continuing, he questioned why this was such a big issue in the Western world when the people of Occupied Kashmir were being ignored. This is far more relevant, perhaps one lakh Kashmiris have died than what is happening with the Uighurs, the occupied valley has been turned into an ‘open prison’. The Prime Minister said, “Why is this not a problem?” At the same time, he said he considered it “hypocrisy.”
He said that he was paying more attention to the issues related to the country and its borders. The death of one lakh Kashmiris is a matter of great concern to him because half of Kashmir is in Pakistan.
Talking about the letter sent to the leaders of Muslim states to unite against Islamophobia, Imran Khan said that there was a great lack of communication between the Islamic world and Western societies, which happened after 9/11 when ‘Islamic’ The word terrorism came into use.
“The moment you call it Islamic terrorism, the common man in the West understands that there is something in religion that leads to terrorism, after 9/11, whenever a Muslim is involved in a terrorist attack around the world,” he said. One billion 300 million Muslims would be targeted.