According to details, addressing the inauguration ceremony of the new block of Women’s University in Rawalpindi, Sheikh Rashid said that our politician is looking towards the West, those who make statements against national institutions will not be able to do anything, use language against institutions. The perpetrators will fall face down, 120 days of Pakistani politics will be very important, Imran Khan will come again in the next elections, Imran Khan is solving the Afghan problem in a better way, because peace in Afghanistan is connected with Pakistan and the region. We will bring change in the leadership of Imran Khan. I am looking at PML-N in 3 groups now and there will be a new alignment of PML-N near the elections.
The Home Minister said that Rawalpindi is number one in Pakistan in terms of education of female students. After education in Rawalpindi, the focus is on health. We have provided education facility to every daughter at her home. Positively, the Chief Minister will inaugurate the Waqar Nisa University this month, converting a building on Murree Road into an intermediate college.
Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed said that in Rawalpindi we got rid of the occupation and built a college. In Rawalpindi, no student gets education by sitting on the ground. My life’s mission was to build 60 educational institutions. If life gives me time, I will build a new IT university. His mission is to be weak and strong. After the inauguration of Nala Lei, I will say goodbye to politics because I think someone else should be given a chance to come.