Lahore : Talking to reporters at a function in Lahore, Federal Minister for Education Shafqat Mehmood said that last year not only the examinations were canceled but also we also passed all the children . This year all the federal units have decided that no grade will be given without examination.
He said that A and O level examinations have been held and in the next few days examinations for class IX to XII will be held and directed the students to continue their studies as the examinations would not be postponed or canceled.
He added that the children should continue to prepare for the exams and some children who are hoping that the exams may be canceled will not do so as it has been decided unanimously by all the provinces and federal units and by the board. Will be as announced.
Shafqat Mehmood said that I would advise all the children to continue their education and not listen to rumors and rumors and exams will be held as per the date sheet given by the board and it will be applicable all over the country. He said that there are 29 boards in the country, they have issued their own date sheets and the examination will be held accordingly.
Asked about summer vacations, the education minister said, “We have given the provinces the option to decide whether to take summer vacations or not and decide according to the situation.”
He said that Punjab province has made its decision regarding summer vacation. We are going to close schools in Islamabad from July 18, so this time the situation is extraordinary and whatever the province decides in this is fine. Will be.
He said that the closure of schools has caused a lot of damage to education so schools should be reopened as much as possible without endangering the health of the children keeping in view the weather conditions.
It may be recalled that Federal Minister for Education Shafqat Mahmood had announced in early June last year that students of class IX to XII would appear for the examinations in elective subjects only and these examinations would be held from July 10.
Inter and matriculation examinations in different cities of the country are starting from July 10 which will continue till July 31 while in Sindh matriculation and matriculation examinations will be held from July 5 and July 26 respectively.
Since the announcement of the exams, students have repeatedly demanded the cancellation of the coronavirus due to the short duration of their education, and students have been protesting in various cities.
As the day of board exams is approaching, this demand is gaining momentum in the form of various trends on various social networking sites and today, on July 3, on Twitter, he requested the Prime Minister to cancel the exams through the hashtag ‘ImranKhanStudentsKiSunLo’. It’s over.
Surprisingly, more than 1.4 million tweets have been sent to this top trend so far, which is far more than the number of tweets from the top trends in Pakistan.
In addition, the hashtag ‘Shafqatmehmood’ kept trending today and students demanded his resignation and announced to follow the Federal Minister of Education on Twitter.
Posts have been shared by other celebrities, including Showbiz, to emphasize the students’ position on board exams.
It may be recalled that after the closure of educational institutions last year due to corona virus, students of class I to XII were promoted to the next class without examinations.
It may be recalled that all educational institutions were closed from March 15 last year, while in Sindh, educational institutions were closed since the first case came to light on February 26 and reopened on September 15 after a six-month long shutdown. They were shut down on November 26 due to the second wave of epidemics.
During the 10- to 11-month period last year, most of the schoolchildren’s education was either suspended or students continued to study online, followed by the announcement in January to increase the number of corona virus cases. Due to this, a series of gradual school closures began on March 15 and reopened for examinations in May.