Islamabad: Khawaja Asif has said that the fire in Swat can reach everyone including me.
Speaking in the National Assembly, Defense Minister Khawaja Asif said that there are some issues that need to be resolved, problems arise if the issues are not resolved politically, it is harmful to ignore the bleeding wounds.
Defense Minister Khawaja Asif said that the same process has started in Swat after 13 years, the fire there can reach everyone including me, it is a matter of happiness that the people of Swat have come together, we should sit together to solve the issues. .
He said that a commission should be formed under the chairmanship of a judge of the Supreme Court or a present or former judge from Balochistan to solve the problems of Balochistan.
The bodies found on the rooftops of Multan hospital should have DNA, in the next cabinet meeting I will demand the formation of a truth commission on Balochistan.