Lahore: Imran Khan says that a sentence of Shahbaz Gill was completely objectionable which should not have been said. According to a private TV report, during an online question-and-answer session on Friday, former Prime Minister Imran Khan responded to his Chief of Staff Shahbaz Gill and said that if Shahbaz Gill said something and one sentence in it which should not have been said and was objectionable but how did you take action against the private TV, how did you pick up the news editor?
He said that if Shahbaz Gill has said anything, what is the channel’s fault in it? This was done only to silence the TV and intimidate other channels. He revealed that efforts are being made to disqualify Nawaz Sharif by banning him.
Imran Khan said that the plan is to ban me and say that if the ban on Imran Khan is to be lifted, Nawaz Sharif should also be disqualified.
Their plan is to be tough on Tehreek-e-Insaf, they made it tough on private TV, on July 17, Tehreek-e-Insaf won victory despite rigging, after which they panicked and now they have gone to their plan C. At present campaign is being conducted to fight Tehreek-e-Insaaf with army, Tosha Khana case, prohibited funding case is being conducted to knock me out. Imran Khan says that his plan is to block my voice, propaganda against me is being done on opposite channels.
Imran Khan said that efforts are being made to ban me after the propaganda, then a deal should be made that if the ban is to be removed from Imran Khan then the disqualification of Nawaz Sharif should also be done. It is such a terrible plan that no one is thinking how much it will harm Pakistan. I cannot be a part of any deal. This deal is the destruction of Pakistan. Trying to give a return. He said that he will tell the details about this plan tomorrow in the Lahore meeting.