In a statement to the National Assembly, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that Musharraf had sent pak army to the tribal areas on the orders of the US. If the state does not protect its people, then who will?
Will Britain allow us to carry out drone strikes on a terrorist who has been sitting in London for 30 years? Then why did we allow drones? Giving a policy statement in the National Assembly, he said that regarding self-reliance, he would say that ever since Pakistan was formed, our leader was great, pride comes from Allah.
When America decided to join the war, I had a seat, what good would it do us? What did we get from the American war? It was foolish to participate in the American war, it was decided at that time we should help America, sacrifice 70,000 people, more than 150 billion dollars was lost, the Americans kept saying Musharraf continued to rule, Musharraf took money and sent his people to Guantanamo Bay. Musharraf also wrote in his book that he took money and sent people? Under what law? If the government does not protect its own people, then who has to protect it? In order to protect our people, we sent our army to the tribal areas behind a few questionable members in Pratora Bora. Our tribal areas were displaced. I said it was going wrong but I was called Taliban Khan, we did not know who is the enemy who is the friend? Those whose wives and children died used to attack Pakistanis, Pakistanis were dying on both sides.
We have a terrorist in London for 30 years. If we carry out a drone attack in Britain, will they allow us? If they won’t allow it, why did we allow it? Are we half human? “What’s wrong with us is that we allowed our own people to be killed. America was our friend but it was carrying out drone strikes on our people. We did not have the courage to admit drone strikes,” the US general said in an open hearing. Drone strikes are being carried out with the permission of the government of Pakistan. We sacrificed 70,000 lives in the American war, yet we were ridiculed for duplicity. If the United States conducted an operation in Pakistan against Osama bin Laden, where was the honor? Our ally America did not trust us so much? Then the culture of moderation was brought here, everyone started speaking English on TV wearing suits, we must understand that a nation that does not respect itself, the world does not respect it. ਕਰਦੀ۔
“I was asked if Pakistan would give a base to the United States. I would ask, ‘Did we admit that we sacrificed 70,000 lives in the American war?’ Yet we were ridiculed for duplicity, we learned the lesson that this nation should never compromise on integrity out of fear, they want peace in Afghanistan, they do not want strategic death in Afghanistan, America is a partner in peace, war I cannot be a partner. We will not compromise on the sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan?