The internal story of the meeting of the PTI leaders with the government figures, who were angry with the PTI and formed the Jahangir Tareen group, came to light. According to media reports, a government team led by Punjab Education Minister Dr Murad Rass held talks with the Tareen group, in which the group members were offered to address their concerns and meet directly with Prime Minister Imran Khan or Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar.
Citing sources, it has been reported that the Tareen group once again demanded from the government negotiators to change the Chief Minister of Punjab Usman Buzdar and said that we do not want to leave the party but Usman Buzdar must be deducted. The 17-member assembly also handed over a list of concerns to the government team along with Chief Minister Usman Buzdar and briefed the government team on constituency issues, bureaucracy and retaliation.
According to media reports, a member of the government’s negotiating team said that the Tareen group had very real reservations about the constituencies and when the group was offered a meeting if they wanted to put their case before Prime Minister Imran Khan. On this, the group members said that change of Chief Minister is the number one demand. Sources said that the negotiating team has informed the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister of Punjab about the demands of the Tareen group. A reunion is possible.