Islamabad : Emphasizing the failure of Western tactics to divide Iranian society and disrupt the country’s progress, he said: “They are resilient and committed.”
He noted: “Despite all the conspiracies, the Islamic Revolution is still powerful and has a profound and profound impact on Iranian society and the region.”
“The Islamic Revolution of Iran was a historical event in the last century and in fact had a profound impact on the events in Iran and the region,” he said. The speed of the Islamic Revolution has brought about many changes in Iran and has sent a message to the world that while a nation is determined to stand against arrogance, foreign dictatorships, foreign programs and propaganda, nothing natural can happen on earth. Be. Avoid this. .
He added: “The Iranian people, led by Imam Khomeini, changed the course of history in the face of American influence and their excesses in Iran and other parts of the region.” In fact, it was a great revolution that created other revolutionary movements in many countries.
Javid Siddiq, stating that with the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the western and modern culture of the western nation of Iran was rejected, said: “The principles and goals of the revolution have been preserved today.”
Appreciating the key role of the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran in defending the Islamic world, combating mutual conspiracies and its commitment to defending the legitimacy of Muslims, especially the Palestinian people, he said: “The Zionists failed and the nations failed.” In addition, Iran fully supported the right to self-determination of Palestine.
The secretary said: Iran supports Imam Khomeini’s dream about Palestine two years ago, the Islamic Republic is like that, and the oppressed nations are oppressed, because the late Imam is opposed to separatism and sectarianism from the forces of unity.
He stated that Imam Khomeini (ra) stood up for an Islamic ummah and after his captivity sought the leadership of Iran to unite the Islamic ummah, he said:
Javid Siddiq added: The Islamic Republic of Iran is also committed to the principles of the revolution and its ideals. At the same time, the country’s influence in the region has deepened and expanded.
He said that all the tricks of the West to create discord in Iranian society or disrupt the flourishing of the Islamic Revolution have failed, he said: The Islamic Revolution is still powerful despite all the conspiracies and has a deep and profound impact on the iranian society.