Ventilators of all government hospitals in Lahore are 95 percent occupied and 8 government hospitals allotted for Corona are facing shortage of ventilators due to which the family is very worried. However, the Punjab Chief Minister said that all possible steps have been taken to deal with the third wave of Corona. , Ventilators and oxygen beds in hospitals have been increased.
Details In 8 government hospitals in the city, restoration of ventilators is rare and in a city with a population of one and a half crore, only 20 ventilators are empty, due to which the family members are very worried. He is undergoing treatment and there are 32 patients on Corona’s specialty at Services Hospital.
According to the administration, there are patients on 10 ventilators given to Government Nawaz Sharif Hospital One Gate while 78 out of 84 ventilators of Mayo Hospital are undergoing treatment and 7 patients are undergoing treatment on 8 ventilators allotted for PKLI.
Out of 40 ventilators in General Hospital, 37 patients are undergoing treatment while in Gangaram Hospital, only 7 out of 20 ventilators are available. Similarly, in Kot Khawaja Saeed Hospital, 2 out of 3 ventilators are available for patients. Letters are available. Dozens of anxious patients on oxygen beds are waiting for ventilators and relatives are desperate to get ventilators.
On the other hand, Punjab Chief Minister Usman Bazdar said that it was unfortunate that the opposition was playing politics on the national challenge of Corona. Such people can only be mourned. He said that all possible steps have been taken to deal with the third wave of Corona in hospitals. Ventilators and oxygen beds have been increased.