Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said that all the culprits involved in the Sialkot incident will be punished. The Sialkot incident is contrary to the teachings of the Prophet. Such incidents cannot be ignored. Such incidents cannot be allowed in any civilized society.
According to details, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi while talking to media said that there are bilateral relations between Pakistan and 27 countries.
Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that he was very grateful to the Ulema-e-Mashaikh for openly condemning the Sialkot incident. It can be stolen, a class spreads misinformation against Pakistan, the job of this class is to discredit Pakistan, that class is looking for the events that harmed Pakistan.
He said that today there are a large number of Muslims in Europe, Muslims have religious freedom in Europe, there are madrassas, mosques, Muslims preach Islam in Europe, there is no restriction. Shah Mehmood Qureshi added that Sialkot The incident is contrary to the teachings of the Prophet, Pakistani and human thinking. Today we have to show disengagement from such incidents.
The Foreign Minister said that the thoughts of Quaid-e-Azam guide us, our constitution speaks of protection of their rights. He further said that the Sunnah of our Prophet is clear, despite all these actions, It is difficult to go to advocate for such incidents.