Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Bazdar while expressing sorrow over the loss of precious human lives in various accidents due to natural calamities and rains said that he shares the grief of the families of those killed in various accidents.
According to details, in a statement issued from Lahore, he said that they share in the grief of the families of the deceased. In his statement, Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Bazdar said that the families of those killed in various accidents due to rains Has expressed heartfelt sympathy and condolences.
He directed the authorities to provide the best medical facilities to the injured. Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Bazdar also said that he was deeply saddened over the loss of precious human lives.
Punjab Chief Minister Usman Bazdar, while talking about politics, said that we have never pursued a policy of revenge and we do not believe in it. Usman Bazdar said that in the past the institutions were used for personal gain. He further said that our government has removed political interference from the institutions.