Globalization Research Center wrote in a report. The phrase has become hot on social media and news and analytics sites, and even the New York Times has published an article calling it a “conspiracy theory.” But this is certainly not a conspiracy theory.
Dear Audience, The content and claims made in this report have been published solely for the purpose of analyzing the approaches and views of Western think tanks, and the possible claims and inductions of these matters have never been confirmed by the SachKhabrain.
It turns out that the “big start” is in fact an initiative by the World Economic Forum, designed to engage “global stakeholders to simultaneously manage the direct consequences of the Covid-19 crisis.” The following is taken directly from the official website of the World Economic Forum:
For the time being, global stakeholders need to work together to simultaneously manage the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis. The World Economic Forum has launched a major start-up initiative to improve the world.
The “big start” is not a “conspiracy theory.”
So the New York Times report that the “big start” is just a “conspiracy theory” was fake, and they owe us all a big apology. According to the World Economic Forum, the “big start” is a “unique opportunity window” for world leaders to shape “the future of global relations, the orientation of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models, and the management of shared global resources.” .
Given the unique opportunity to shape the recovery process, this initiative includes attitudes and tips to help all those who understand the future state of global relations, the orientation of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models, and the management of global shared resources. Set the Great Beginnings Initiative, with the broad vision and knowledge of the leaders of the Assembly’s member states, incorporates a set of dimensions to create a new social pact that respects the dignity of every human being.
The “Great Beginning” is an up-to-date plan of the new world order
In other words, the “great beginning” is essentially a refinement of the new world order.
The “big start” theorist is called Klaus Schwab. He is the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. An article by Schwab entitled “Now is the time for a great start” has been published on the official website of the World Economic Forum. What follows is taken from this article …
To achieve a better result, the world must act quickly and jointly and reform all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social covenants and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to technology, must be transformed. Frankly, we need the “great beginning” of the capitalist system.
He makes it very clear that he wants to “reform all aspects of our societies and economies.” This means that all dimensions of human activity are included in his design. He especially wants the “great beginning” of the capitalist system.
This is definitely an alarm bell. When people talk about dramatic changes in the capitalist system, they usually mean that we must go even further in the direction of socialism.
The main components of the great start
According to Schwab, the “great beginning” consists of three main components. The first component is to reform their economic systems so that they “promote a fairer outcome.”
In addition, governments must implement reforms that promote fairer outcomes that should have been implemented much sooner. Depending on the country, these reforms could include changes to the wealth tax, cuts in fossil fuel subsidies, and the introduction of new laws governing intellectual property, trade, and competition.
Unfortunately, I think he means exactly what Alexandria Ocasio Cortez means when she speaks of “fairer outcomes.”
Second, Schwab says that one of the main components of the “big start” includes massive government investment in “green” urban infrastructure and other similar projects …
The second component of the Great Start-up Mission ensures that investments advance common goals such as equity and sustainability. Here, the large-scale spending plans implemented by many governments represent a great opportunity for progress. The European Commission, for example, has unveiled plans to set up a € 750 billion ($ 826 billion) recovery fund. The United States, China, and Japan also have ambitious economic stimulus plans.
Instead of using these funds and the investments of private enterprises and pension funds to fill the gaps in the old order, we should use them to create a new order, one that will be more resilient, fairer, and more sustainable in the long run . This means, for example, creating “green” urban infrastructure and providing incentives for industries to improve their environmental, social, and governance record.
Isn’t this very similar to the “new green agreement” that many leftists in the United States have been pushing for?
Third, Schwab envisions the “innovations” that we saw during the Covid-19 epidemic as a model for “individual sections” of society …
The third priority of the great beginning is to curb the innovations of the fourth industrial revolution in support of the public good, especially by addressing health and social challenges. During the Covid-19 crisis, companies, universities, and others worked together to develop diagnostic, treatment, and possible vaccines; Set up test centers; Establish mechanisms for tracking cases; And provide telemedicine services. Imagine what would happen if similar coordinated efforts were made in all sectors.
Is Trump an obstacle to a global start?
In other words, Schwab believes that the global response to the Covid-19 pandemic could be a roadmap for managing individual areas of life along the way. Of course, globalization advocates must first get rid of Donald Trump in order to bring the United States to this “great beginning.” They believe that they are very close to achieving this goal.
Proponents of globalization envision a “sustainable” future in which all forms of human activity in line with the “good of the earth” are closely monitored and controlled. They are fully convinced that the best option for humanity is a world system in which all the countries of the world are integrated, but those who resist the proponents of globalization know that a world of order will inevitably become a complete global nightmare. .
Pro-globalization publications such as the New York Times will continue to try to convince us that projects such as the “Great Beginnings” have no external existence at all, even though a pro-globalization organization such as the World Economic Forum openly states its plans.
The “Big Start” is a manifesto for social change around the world
The “Great Beginnings” under the leadership of the elite in the post-Covid era? No, what we need in the first place is to get rid of the pro-globalization approach that has left us in this mess. The vision of the World Economic Forum for the future is not a conspiracy but a deceptive manifesto by a non-elected class.
The phrase “big start” is also hot on social media. For those unfamiliar with such issues, “The Great Beginnings” is the title of a manifesto for social change around the world in the post-Covid period by Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum.
“Global Start” is an important statement. This statement shows how the world elite sees the future and seizes the opportunities created by the Covid epidemic – a world that’s apparently “never” will return to normal – to bring society to life according to their own mental image. Reshape. This is the thinking of “progressive” politicians and leaders around the world, from Justin Trudeau in Canada to Prince Charles in Britain.
Challenges of the Postcovid world
Such a thing may seem reasonable at first glance. Whatever it is, the challenges of the postcovid world will surely be great. The economic collapse caused by global quarantine on a global scale and social consequences such as widespread unemployment and global poverty will be unprecedented in world history.
However, the “great beginning” as sophistry and deception is on an unprecedented scale. The question may be asked, who is responsible for creating the “normal” situation that was problematic yesterday, to which we will apparently never return?
Of course, these problems have nothing to do with billionaires, political leaders, industry leaders, and regulators who roam Davos every year and talk about the world’s problems while eating oysters and alcohol. They benefit most from these problems.
The idea of a “new beginning” is hypocritical at best
The idea of a “start” is hypocritical at best. This implicitly means that the economy and the world community were well off before Covid-19 and now only need to be turned off and on once, just like when we turn off the computer and turn it on again.
It just hides the truth. The fact is that the economy and the world community were in trouble before Covid-19 and are now only experiencing a worse situation, because they are now even more dependent on unprecedented national bailout schemes, and it takes generations for the relevant financial resources to be repaid. The word “new beginning” does not adequately reflect the scale of the economic devastation before us, the reforms needed, and the obstacles in the way.
A new era of top-down dictatorship in the world
This “big start” is not so big. It does not offer anything new or feasible. This concept is in fact a recurring project in support of globalization that seeks to prioritize the concerns and fantasies of the elite during the Covid Crisis, consolidate their position of gold, and usher in a new era of top-down dictatorship.
The key to the unrealistic nature of such a thing is that the epidemic has rejected the globalist notions that form the cornerstone of this new utopia (or rather, the nightmare). Covid has discredited national governments. Only nation-states have had the authority to impose public quarantine and then provide – or in some countries attempt to provide – financial assistance to businesses and families to compensate for the effects of quarantine.
Contrary to the views of the World Economic Forum, not all changes were due to covid. The changes that have taken place have only accelerated and manifested the previous tendencies. The real world situation has become clearer – that is, the world is still in a certain state, and risk aversion and a sense of vulnerability still dominate the cultural thinking of the elites.
Albert Einstein once jokingly said, “No problem can be solved by relying on the same level of insight and awareness that has shaped it.” The concept of “better reconstruction” at the heart of the “Great Beginnings” – and indeed all government perspectives – is therefore doomed to failure.
In such a mindset, the most important lesson learned from the epidemic is overlooked: the future depends more on the general public being willing to accept disruptive change than on transformational programs.