The Saudi Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it was concerned about the current developments of Iran’s nuclear program, the latest news about its enriching Uranium at the rate of 60% and to take the concerns of the countries in the region seriously about Iran’s actions, including its nuclear program, and reach an agreement with Tehran that prevents Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
We hope that Saudi Arabia, for once, would be concerned about the Israeli terrorist actions against Iran’s nuclear facilities and Iranian ships, the latest of which is nuclear terrorism against the Natanz facility.
We also hope to know how the Saudi government came to understand that Iran was seeking nuclear weapons! While the world witnessed that Riyadh and Tel Aviv were the strongest opponents of the nuclear deal between Iran and the P5 + 1; An agreement that Iran has adhered to, despite the arbitrary withdrawal of the United States and Europe’s non-compliance with the agreement. Apart from this situation, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has emphasized in 15 reports that Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful and that Iran adheres to all of its nuclear obligations.
We also hope Saudi Arabia would “prevent the escalation of tensions and not endanger the security and stability of the region,” in particular through:
- Interaction with nations and governments from a tribal and ethnic perspective.
- Using huge oil revenues to buy loyalty with the aim of changing systems and diverting popular revolutions.
To wage all-out and destructive wars against a genuine Arab country like Yemen and to keep it hungry on irrational pretexts. - Chasing dissidents in different countries and mutilating their bodies with saws and melting them in the fire.
Interfering in the affairs of other countries, to some extent, kidnapping the prime minister of an Arab country and forcing him to resign in Riyadh. - Alliance with the most stubborn evil powers in the world, such as the United States and Israel.
Using all political, financial, and religious means to encourage the Arab governments to normalize relations with the occupying regime and to stifle the Palestinian people and force them to surrender to Israel.For these and many other reasons, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and their American masters are among the most important contributors to the chaos and insecurity in the Middle East, from Libya and Sudan to Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.