Why does the Israeli Foreign Minister visit the UAE and the new Bahraini ambassador visit Israel?
After the normalization of relations between some Arab countries and Israel (UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco), the confirmation of this relationship by some other countries (Saudi Arabia, etc.), and finally the silence of many other countries towards it, a kind of despair. And despair arose in the Islamic world.
In the shadow of this despair, it was felt with the silence that the issue of Palestine, after 70 years of struggle, has been removed from the priority of the Islamic world and given way to other issues.
Of course, this story did not last more than a few months, and the story of Israel’s invasion of the Sheikh Jarrah area in Jerusalem. The reaction of all Palestinians in Jerusalem, the 1948 occupied territories, the West Bank, Gaza, Palestinian camps outside Palestine especially in the West. Following these reactions, thousands of missiles were fired at Israel during the Gaza war, and of course, the 12-day war ended with the revival of the Palestinian issue and the return of this 70-year-old concern to its original position and its re-prioritization.
In fact, one of the field consequences of the 12-day war between Gaza and the regime was the announcement of the “death of the Trump deal,” which was overshadowed by the overthrow of the Netanyahu administration. Meanwhile, the new Israeli government, which, like Biden, considered Israel without Netanyahu to be more popular and desirable, sought to approach cautiously what Netanyahu’s achievements were, and the deal of the century was one of those so-called achievements.
But on Tuesday, the Israeli Foreign Minister traveled to the UAE at the same time, and the new Bahraini ambassador to Israel was sworn in by the king and received the necessary instructions and recommendations to be in Israel. The coincidence of these two events seems to have only one message, and that is that both the regime and the new compromises are concerned that the consequences of the recent Palestinian intifada will affect them and invalidate everything they have done so far to erase the Palestinian issue and divert it from public opinion.
The coincidence of the two events is in fact an attempt to maintain a course that is hardly kept clear for the continuation of relations between Israel and the limited compromising governments, although there is no news of a recent match between some Arab governments to establish relations with Israel. is not.