Herzog’s souvenir for Erdogan; At what price?
The Jerusalem Post writes that Erdogan must pass a serious test in order to establish relations with “Israel” and that is to end Hamas operations in Turkey. The regime’s Channel 13 television also wrote about the visit of the occupier regime to Turkey in a report titled “We must show Erdogan how Israeli leaders have turned from child-killers into possible allies” that Turkish President Erdogan in recent years from No words are left for attacking “Israel”. But today it welcomes Herzog.
According to the daily, there is no doubt that Erdogan is seeking to strengthen relations with “Israel” as the Turkish economy continues to collapse. He has shown his willingness to cooperate in the field of energy and this is the reason for this meeting. In Tel Aviv, the effort is to make relations with Turkey useful and fruitful in all aspects; On the one hand, the economic situation in Turkey is very difficult, and “Israel” can use this opportunity to develop trade relations between the two sides, and its interests include both sides, and more importantly, Ankara can be convinced that the line Transfer gas from occupied Palestine to Europe (via Turkey). The implementation of this project could bring huge economic benefits to Turkey, the most important of which is to meet its gas needs. Especially since the country supplies 85% of its gas needs from abroad.
The leaders of this regime think that they can reach security and political agreements through economic transactions. Politically, they think they can bring Turkey to the axis of Arab compromise and Zionism against the Islamic Republic of Iran. In terms of security – in this case – will be a much greater achievement of the Zionist regime. Because it will commit Turkey to stop Hamas activities on its territory and reactivate the military alliance between the two sides that has existed for decades by returning to cooperation in the Mediterranean.
There are whispers in Tel Aviv that the regime could be a medium for convergence between Ankara and Washington after years of tension. Political relations between Turkey and the United States have been strained for years over Turkey’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood and the Hamas movement and its policies in Syria, which may have contradicted US policies.