Collapsing from within “; The causes of the decline of the Zionist regime.
The Zionist regime has tied its existence to principles that over time will cause them to collapse.
The idea of Zionism was the product of the nineteenth century and arose from a kind of political conception of Judaism that gradually, with the support of Western nations in the twentieth century, was able to draw Jewish public opinion to the land of Palestine by creating a common discourse and promising peace to the Jews. The immigrant in the designated land also introduced the idea of the Nile to the Euphrates.
But after the occupation of Palestine, this fragmented community has faced various challenges in the political, social, demographic, strategic, and finally intellectual, identity, and discourse spheres.
The idea of ”collapse from within”, which is raised in the opinions of a wide range of Western and Islamic thinkers and even Jewish personalities and experts about the future of the Zionist regime, refers to the category of threats that threaten the survival of this regime from within. Something like the “termite decline” that means the same to the United States: the weakening and emptiness of the economic and political structures of a military that still looks healthy from the outside.
In recent years, the realities surrounding the occupied territories and the rise of resistance movements and ideas, especially after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, have been considered as a catalyst for accelerating the collapse of the regime.
In this article, we intend to address the views and opinions of experts in the region regarding the threats that have engulfed the Zionist regime and put it in a state of decline.
Erosion of the social system
Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud, the famous Egyptian writer, writes in a book called “Israel..the beginning and the end”: The creation of a single identity called “Israeli” among the immigrants who were brought to Palestine from different countries has been the concern of the Zionist leaders from the beginning. Is. In recent centuries, political yet non-religious thought has taken an instrumental approach to Judaism, in opposition to the traditional Judaic belief in establishing a Jewish state and returning to the Holy Land before the advent of the Savior. The theorists of this movement, by proposing the idea of Zionism as their proposed discourse to create public excitement in the scattered Jewish communities around the world, declared the rule of the Jewish people in the Promised Land to fulfill the divine promise. The idea that in the territorial dimension the ideal of Greater Israel paved the way for a return to the era of the historical greatness of this people and considered the formation of the Jewish state as a unifying factor and eliminating the bewilderment and displacement of the Jewish people. (Israel .. The Beginning and the End. Pages 61 and 62)
In the meantime, this idea was opposed by some Jewish thinkers, religious scholars, and traditional orthodox people, who considered the formation of a Jewish state contrary to God’s promise and conditioned its formation on the advent of Christ; However, the idea of Zionism was able to become the dominant discourse that manifested itself in the form of the state of Israel on May 4, 1948, and was able to persuade the Jewish public to do so through widespread propaganda and unwavering support for colonization. This is at a time when European nations are looking for a way to get rid of their Jewish population, and where better than Palestine and West Asia to make the most of Muslims’ growth potential and opportunities.
During the last centuries, the Zionist leaders came up with a tool of political thinking with an instrumental approach to Judaism, an idea that contradicted the traditional Judaism.
Dr. Abdul Wahab al-Masiri, the Egyptian author of the encyclopedia “Judaism, Judaism, and Zionism,” in his book “The Collapse of Israel from Within,” believes that the erosion of the Zionist regime’s social system is one of the most important aspects of its collapse. According to him, the term “melting” defined by “David Ben Gorin”, the founder of the Zionist regime, failed to unite the Zionist society and turn it into a single national system away from the multiple identities that Jews from different countries brought with them. .