Atwan: Israel’s honeymoon in Africa is much shorter than Tel Aviv and the compromisers imagine.
Yesterday, media sources reported that the security forces of the African Union expelled the senior envoy of the Zionist regime, who had secretly entered the meeting hall of the union using an illegal ID card. This is while the Zionist delegation claimed to have been invited to attend the opening meeting of the heads of the African Union, but after it could not prove it, the security forces threw the envoy of this regime out of the hall.
This action of the African Union was welcomed by the Palestinian resistance groups, including Hamas and the supporters of the Palestinian cause and nation, but it was accompanied by the anger of the Zionists. The spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry of the Zionist regime described this incident as dangerous and claimed that the special envoy (regime) of Israel was one of the observers and had the card to enter the meeting.
In this context, Abdulbari Atwan, the editor of the regional newspaper Rayalyoum and a leading analyst of the Arab world, wrote in his new note, the most important event on Saturday, in our opinion, was that a group of security guards and organizers of the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa (the capital of Ethiopia) Moments before the start of this meeting, “Sharon Barley”, the representative of the Director of African Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Zionist regime, who had sneaked into the hall, was kicked out.
Atwan added, there is no place for the occupying, racist, and fascist Zionist regime among African countries and their respected leaders; A terrorist regime that was the biggest ally of the apartheid system in the African continent and supported it with money and nuclear technology it provided to this system, a regime that commits all kinds of crimes against the Palestinian nation and usurped their land and wealth, Palestinian children. brutally murders and is under the support and leadership of American terrorism.
In the continuation of this note, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Zionist regime, which has now begun to mourn, did not find even one African country to console it in this tragedy and accused Algeria and South Africa of being behind this humiliating expulsion of the Israeli diplomat from are located in the African Union. But the Zionist regime does not know that this accusation is a matter of pride for Algeria and its nation and South Africa, which has the legacy of its eternal leader, Nelson Mandela.
According to this report, at the height of American hegemony and the official submission of Arab regimes to it, unfortunately, in August 2021, with the decision of “Moussi Faki”, the head of the African Union Commission, and without consulting the members of this union, the Zionist occupation regime was accepted as an observer member in the aforementioned union. became. But the uprising and angry reaction of Algeria and South Africa against this decision finally caused its suspension and a joint decision was issued by the members of the African Union and a committee consisting of seven presidents was created to completely cancel the observer membership of the Zionist regime in this union.
Abdulbari Atwan added that the General Secretariat of the African Union Federation withdrew the invitation that was previously given to the Zionist regime and announced that no representative from this regime should be sent to participate in the African Union Summit. But as usual, the occupying regime ignored this warning and sent its representative to Addis Ababa, and this Israeli representative entered the meeting hall secretly. We thank God that the said representative of the Zionist regime did this to become a global political scandal for Israel.
He clarified that the expulsion of Israel from the African Union and the cancellation of the observer membership of the Zionist regime in this union were at the top of the topics of the summit of the said union, in which 36 presidents and 4 prime ministers participated. Therefore, it must be said that Israel’s honeymoon in the African continent is much shorter than what the leaders and supporters of this regime in Europe and America and even Arab compromise countries imagine. Now, the African continent is recovering its power and position and puts the values of justice and the national interests of its people above all considerations.
In the continuation of this article, it has been emphasized that today the African continent has made every effort to release its own currency and gold dinar and free its economy from dependence on the West and its alliance with the new security and financial poles of the world led by China and Russia. strengthen We sincerely thank the people of Algeria and its leader and minister of foreign affairs who played an important role in closing the doors of the African continent against the destructive influence of the Zionists.