It is naive to ignore the role of the United States in this bloody incident, considering the 13 US troops among the victims of the Kabul airport bombings; The dark history of Western colonialism and occupying Israel is replete with crimes in which civilians have become the laboratory mice for the nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons of Western governments.
I honestly say that the US goal in invading an Arab or Islamic country is not to secure the interests of the Arab and Muslim nations of that country, or to expand democracy and human rights, or to revive the economic renaissance, but the US to save Israel in destroying neighboring Arab and Islamic countries. And he knows close to it. The developments in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, and the Sinai region of Egypt confirm this fact and show a dimension of the “American creative chaos” plan.
Afghanistan is no exception. The first and last goal of the US invasion in 2001 was to make Afghanistan a center for exporting chaos to all countries in the region, so the US has never taken a step towards establishing a modern and powerful national army for Afghanistan during these two decades of occupation. And it has not helped its economic development to save the Afghan people from poverty, and this fact can be seen in the way the Taliban controlled Afghanistan, which they were able to do about a week ago without any resistance from the security forces or without clashes. Take control of this country.
When the United States is forced to leave the occupied country, which has completely destroyed it and plunged it into absolute poverty, destroying its infrastructure and creating chaos and sectarian strife in it. More importantly, the United States decides to leave a country where it has sown the seeds of takfiri and terrorist groups such as ISIS. As former President Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have acknowledged.
It is clear that the chaos caused by the dubious withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan is a specialized chaos that has been carefully studied in order to prepare the ground for horrific explosions such as the Kabul airport bombing and to divide Afghan society.
The Kabul airport bombing was not unexpected and many had warned about it, so it is hard to imagine that US intelligence agencies, which have been focusing on Afghanistan’s security for two decades, did not anticipate the explosion. In fact, the United States and the Zionist and Saudi regimes have transferred ISIS from Syria and Iraq to keep the chaos project in Afghanistan going.
It is certain that Afghanistan, where the United States has dropped large quantities of advanced weapons, is a hotbed of takfiri-Wahhabi groups competing for this Saudi doctrine, and it can be said that Afghanistan is embarking on a civil war that is raging. Kabul blast; A war that will seek to turn Afghanistan into a dagger behind Russia and China and all countries that the United States sees as a threat to its illegitimate interests and to Israel’s security.